Thursday, 23 December 2010

Night Out

I went out with the other tachers and members of the school, including the prinicpal and vice principal today.  I am not sure what I was expecting, but it was good.  We had a big meal across a long table and I sat across from the principal with my co-Korean teacher next to me so that he could translate as necessary.  For the most part I did not ask him to translate because it was a night for him to relax too, so only when people were talking to me or sometimes when I was to them.

I was able to eat most of it although my chopstick skills are still very poor.  Some of the smaller dishes I left however because they were too spicy and although I am up for trying new things I do not need to hurt myself in the process. 

Although for maybe 75% of the time I had no idea what was being said I still enjoyed myself and did my best to communicate without words where I could.  After the meal was done, I had a choice of get a lift back to my flat or go on to a kareoke place with the rest of the flat and get the bus back.  Now I am no fan of Kareoke and I did not like the idea of getting the bus.  But I thought I should grab every oppotunity to go out with the staff as I can, so I did.  I turned down the lift and went with the more difficult route.

The Kareoke went okay, I sang Hotel California and The Yoing Ones, not exactly my favourite songs, but they were songs I knew better than the rest.  The problem was that most of the songs were of course Korean and those that were in English were generally either American or big pop hits, which I would not know since I am no fan of pop.

But whether I was good or truly bad was not commented upon, either they liked it or they were simply glad that I gave it a go, either way it was good because I felt accepted.

Luckily for me after the Kareoke the Principal and two other members of staff decided to let me into their cab, and to be honest I'm pretty sure I lived out of their way.  But they dropped me off at my place in the caba dn went on their merry way.  I have to say I am very grateful though, because I'm quite tired now, yes I know very sad given the time, but I still have work tomorrow.

Anyway, all in all a very good night out and something I hope to replicate in time to come, which should happen to some degree at least seeing as how it is only nearing the end of my second working week and I am here for a year.

Well, that's all folks.  See you later.

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