Saturday, 18 December 2010

A Few School Pictures

I have still not had the chance to take many photos of the school as I would have liked to, because things both in school and out have been keeping me busy, but I did get a few snaps from my classroom and the corridoor outside.  Hopefully these will help sate you slighty Iain.

The lighting is a bit shite, but these were both taken at the same time.  It's pretty good and I've got a really good desk and with that desk comes a broken ass computer, full of loads of files I need to do my job as well as programme extensions that will allow me to read documents originally written in Hangul...anyway, hopefully that will soon be fixed.  In the meantime I have been using my laptop, so that I can still use the projector and therefore play videos that the kids can follow along with.

I guess these corridoor is pretty boring, but hey I have no other pics.  Hopefully I will have some new photos on monday, since I usually arrive at school really early.

The only thing of any real note on these photos is the fact that there is a sofa in the hall.  I have no idea why it's there but the kids seem to like it, so hey I guess it's all right.  I may even get some photos of the kids, but I thought I would leave that until I get the chance to ask them if they mind and also I get the feeling that it will cause them to get really hyper.

Right well that's that, not much, just a glimpse of where I go to work.

*Addition - Here are some more photos of my school, but from the outside this time.

Outdoor teacher that I suspect will be really nice in spring/summer.

Another seated area, perhaps for a smaller class.

I am yet to find out who this fella is.

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