Saturday, 18 December 2010

I Went Out

As the title says, I went out, this was last night.  I saw the lengths of the little village/town I am living in.  It's not too bad, bigger than I thought really.  We went to some place on the other side of town to have a meal, it was fairly good, it was basically the Korean version of a BBQ, so basically nothing like a BBQ at all.  They just cooked some pork over an open fire, it was pretty tasty.  Then they had a mass of side dishes, some were pretty good, others fairly bland and then one or two that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot bargepole.  There was several versions of Kimchi...which I have decided I generally do not like, which is pretty bad considering how much it turns up.  There were also some sort of sea snails, not my bag at all, I stayed well clear, but one of the guys I was out with had a whole armful (yes I am using that as a form of measurement), he seemed to enjoy them...but well, I'm still not that adventurous.

After the meal we headed over to some Korean bar or another, we had a barrel of beer.  Yes a barrel, but no it was not all that big, it served up maybe 3 glasses each for the 4 of us.  Not a great deal to say about that place, it was nice and the owners were nice, but it was really quiet, so we moved on.

We hit one more place before we headed home and this was a Kareoke bar, not my thing at all especially since I'm a lousy singer and I don't know enough generic songs to be able to sing them.  The others seemed to have a wail of a time, I'm not sure if that's because they have become Koreanised, this places lacks stuff to do, or they just genuinely like Kareoke, but whatever.  It was still pretty good.

Then after that we headed back, it wasn't all that late really, but two of the guys had to work in the morning, they're both on a saturday rotation at their schools.  But before bed we still managed to have one of those deep, meaningful, philosophical drunken debates that are generally full of a great deal of bullshit, then off to bed.  Not a bad night really.  I suppose this is the sort of thing that could have happened the world over...but it didn't it happened in Korea and therefore it is significant...maybe.

I didn't really notice that often, but once or twice I realised how incredibly white we were in the bars, we were four white guys, loudly talking English...yes that's right, we were those foreign people you see talking in their own language and you wonder if they are talking about you.  Well I can tell you from my own experience, our topics of conversation didn't stray to talk about those around us.

Right, well that's another block of consciousness stuck onto my blog.  This is not goodbye however, there is something else, or maybe two things I want to talk about and I certainly have the time because it's saturday and I'm in.  Meh

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