Friday, 8 April 2011

Strange food, good night.

I think my blogging may have been turned down for the most part. I am no longer able to blog at work, so it is most likely that I will only do so at the weekends now.

This week I have two things to blog about, the first is Thursday night.  I went out with some of the teachers from my school.  Although in places I felt a bit like a third wheel with my lack of Korean, the teachers began to open up a little later and they reall tried.  Overall I had a good night out with them.  Now that sounds like a very short post, but the meat of the topic is what I ate.  They had been umming and ahing about where to take me for a while, their ideas were not exactly the sort of food I would have chosen.  But I decided I should at least try these things, if I did not like them I would never have them again.

The first place we went to was a place that served offal, for any that don't know that's basically internal organs.  These were of a cow, I was more than a little dubious, but I tried all that was on offer.  Some of it was very fatty and others that were quite meaty and tasty.  I cannot be sure what everything was, but I do know that I had kidney and intestines over spring onions (like a sort of sausage), there were other things too, but I really have no idea what they were.  I guess this goes further to show that I am losing my western squeamishness to food.

Following the end of that meal we moved on to the next eatery and this one I have to say I was not exactly looking forward to, but I made it quite clear at least that I would not eat them raw.  We were going to have oysters.  They were dirt cheap too, so not the sort of expsense you have to shell out for in the west and probably therefore much fresher too.  They did not taste bad, very irony, but I couldn't get over the texture, they were, every time I ate one my body openly cringed to some extent.

There was also a side dish at the oyster place: butterfly pupa.  The others were gobbling them up, so maybe they did taste good, but I just couldn't cross the line.  I guess in time I may go past it, but as it stands I still have certain western sensibilities as far as food is concerned (even though they are being worn down). 

Of course to aid in the consumption of these rather bizarre foods plenty of soju was consumed, not enough to get me that drunk, but certainly enough to provide me with residual hangover the next day.

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