Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Day Two

Although I have spoken roughtly about what happened the day of the earthquake there is no way I can show or explain to you how terrifying it was and still is. 

Today we went looking for supplies, we found some petrol, although I think the city will be dry by tonight since the access routes for the tankers has been cut off, so it may take a while.  We also found a supermarket that had been pretty well stocked out, but we had to queue up to get in and certain things were rationed.  It took us most of the day to do just that, so after that we got the supplies we wandered over to the rest of the family to check in and for me to say hi.  We didn't stay long but enough time for me to see some new faces.

The aftershocks in general have been fewer today, but still some big ones and some sudden ones.  I don't know whether I will be able to sleep much tonight, but I will give it a go, we are still all sleeping in the living room, whether it's safer I don't know, but we feel better this way.  I could do with some sleep really, by body and mind are generally running on empty, but if need be I think I can keep going for a bit longer.

I'm sure I have not answered all that you wish to know, but if you want deep details about the disaster watch the news and don't ask me, I am freaked out as it is I do not need it thrown in my face as I do my best just to focus on the things closest to me.

Well I shall bid you all goodnight and I shall try to get in touch with people more directly as and when I can, but that is dependent upon power, amount of sleep and what needs to be done during the day.

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